February 22nd



I love bring your own project night…….. it's great to see so many different things happening!



Felt brooches, knitting, card making, peg bag & a fancy dress costume!



More Knitting!


How clever is my 6 year old niece???? We were all very impressed with this!



I love these little baby vests…… you'll be hearing a lot more about this!

Fancy knitting some for charity?

Email me & I'll pass on the details….. we plan to do a meeting later in the year.


This was our last Wednesday meeting

From March we will be meeting on the 1st Tuesday of every month.

Our next meeting is Tuesday 6th March……. to secure your place you must book online…… unfortunately I can no longer reserve places.

You can pay via PayPal on this website…. easy!!!


More details about March 6th to follow!




Recommend Josie