Category: February

February 22nd



I love bring your own project night…….. it's great to see so many different things happening!



Felt brooches, knitting, card making, peg bag & a fancy dress costume!



More Knitting!


How clever is my 6 year old niece???? We were all very impressed with this!



I love these little baby vests…… you'll be hearing a lot more about this!

Fancy knitting some for charity?

Email me & I'll pass on the details….. we plan to do a meeting later in the year.


This was our last Wednesday meeting

From March we will be meeting on the 1st Tuesday of every month.

Our next meeting is Tuesday 6th March……. to secure your place you must book online…… unfortunately I can no longer reserve places.

You can pay via PayPal on this website…. easy!!!


More details about March 6th to follow!




Yarn Bombing – 7th February 2012



Many thanks to all the lovely Make, Do and Mend ladies who came on Tuesday 7th February for our first…… oh yes they'll be more!!!….. yarn bombing evening!

We had great fun & the city Centre looked great after we finished. 


We even made it on the local newspaper website…….. Express & Echo



I've had lots of emails from people who have now found us saying it brought a smile to their faces!

We've also been invited to a special event at the Cathedral in May…… more on that once it's been confirm.

Enjoy the photo's & keep spreading the word!

Our next meeting is Wednesday 22nd February……… bring your own project.


See you there!

January 2012


Thanks to everyone who came last night…… it was a busy one!

Lots of knitted squares being made…….


All ready to be sewn together to make tree scarves!!



But it wasn't all about knitting




And of course our beautiful bunting…



Made by Mary, Susy, Louise, Anna and Helen


Thank you ladies!




Our next meeting will be Tuesday 7th February.…… we'll be celebrating our second birthday!!!!!



Yes the Make, Do and Mend man is in disguise!!!


This will be a secret under cover mission…… if you wish to join us please email for more information.

For those already in the know please meet at the Phoenix at 7pm to prepare, normal charges will apply….. we'll be heading off for our adventure around 8.30 before heading back to the Phoenix. Please wear warm clothes & bring yarn & yarn needles if you have them.

And remember……



See you on the 7th smiley


Categories: February January Yarn Bombing
