Tag: Mollie Makes

Next meeting Tuesday 7th June

June is crochet time again!
Have you seen the fantastic new magazine Mollie Makes?
It’s a big hit in the crafty world….. so we’ll be learning how to make crochet apple cosies.
You will need to bring a crochet hook…. 3.5mm or 4mm…. depending on how tight you crochet. Double knit yarn, cotton or acrylic. Don’t forget to check out charity shops first!
I’ll supply the apples!
You can find out more about Mollie Makes here.
Bring your own project if you don’t want to join in.
Entrance is £3 – tea, coffee & biscuits are provided….. 
Please bring your own mug.
Places are limited & booking is essential……… 
you can book on line here
Make, Do and Mend

See you there

Categories: Crochet June
