Next meeting Wednesday 21st September

 It’s that time of year again…… dust of your knitting needles & join us for this charity event.

If you haven’t heard of the Innocent Big Knit you can find out more about it here including the pattern, just in case you want to get started!

This is what you need to bring if you want to join in:

Any colour yarn
3.25mm or 4.00 mm knitting needles depending on your tension…. I will bring spares
Trim….. bobbles, beads, anything you fancy really!

There will be a prize for the best hat 🙂

Take a look at last years results here

If you can’t knit or don’t wish to knit bring your own project.
Normal charge of £3.50 applies, tea, coffee & biscuits will be provided… 20% off for Make, Do and Mend members
Recommend Josie