Next Meeting Tuesday 3rd May

In May we’ll be learning how to applique with Mary……. here’s the info….

‘Come and learn how to appliqué, learn tips and techniques.
If you’ve got an idea for a project and not sure where to start, bring it along.
I have a non-electric machine that I use for freestyle appliqué that I will bring along and you can see how I do it.
Like Poppy Treffrys style?  Come and see how you could do it yourself.  Fancy appliqueing t-shirts and not sure where to start?
If you want to have a go and have a portable sewing machine bring it along or if you like to sew by hand, bring a largish (10’ square) plain piece of fabric and some scraps so you can have a play and get an idea of what you could do.’
You can find out more about Mary here & here
If you don’t wish to join in just bring your own project.
Entrance is £3 – tea, coffee & biscuits are provided…..Please bring your own mug.
Places are limited & booking is essential……… you can book on line here
See you there
Recommend Josie

Categories: May