Category: September

August 2012


Thanks to everyone who came on Tuesday night for our August meeting……. it was lovely to meet two new ladies!

There was lots of wooly crafts happening on the night!!!

I hope you're all getting ready for The Big Knit in September

Feel free to make a start now…… we aim to make about 150 hats this year so it's all hands on deck!!

You can find the patterns here

There will be prizes for the best hats…… can anyone beat Lousie this year???

See you all on Tuesday 4th September…… you can book online NOW!


Next Meeting Tuesday 7th August

Apologies for the delay…… our next meeting is Tuesday 7th August

It's been a stressful week at Make, Do and Mend HQ!

Your votes have been counted & it's agreed you would like to do your own thing.

So just bring your own project…….. nothing to do???

You can always start to knit squares to make blankets for an animal charity & we can continue at a later date.


I no longer reserve places……. if you wish to attend you must book online


Normal charges apply

Members = £2.80

Non members = £3.50

If you don't book online you can turn up on the night but be warned we maybe full!!

Tea, coffee & biscuits will be provided……. don't FORGET to bring your own mug!

You can find out more about the membership here
Dates for your diary:
Tuesday 4th September – The Big Knit
Tuesday 2nd October – Poppy making
Tuesday 13th November – Christmas decorations
Tuesday 4th December – Christmas party!

The Big Knit

Thanks to everyone who came & got involved with The Big Knit 2011
Once again it was a busy evening with lots of knitting
Here’s a small selection of the best hats
And the winners are:
Louise – White hat with cherry pom poms
Kathryn – Pineapple hat
Well done ladies!
Guess how many????
In total 94!!!!
That’s fantastic….. last year we made 42! There’s still time to make more…… it would be lovely to hit 100….. just bring them to the next meeting on Tuesday 4th October.
No group tutorial for our next meeting….. bring your own project or anything you need help with
Look forward to seeing you there….. don’t forget to book & bring your own mug.

Next meeting Wednesday 21st September

 It’s that time of year again…… dust of your knitting needles & join us for this charity event.

If you haven’t heard of the Innocent Big Knit you can find out more about it here including the pattern, just in case you want to get started!

This is what you need to bring if you want to join in:

Any colour yarn
3.25mm or 4.00 mm knitting needles depending on your tension…. I will bring spares
Trim….. bobbles, beads, anything you fancy really!

There will be a prize for the best hat 🙂

Take a look at last years results here

If you can’t knit or don’t wish to knit bring your own project.
Normal charge of £3.50 applies, tea, coffee & biscuits will be provided… 20% off for Make, Do and Mend members