Tag: Exeter Phoenix

Next Meeting Tuesday 2nd April – Changes

I asked for your thoughts about Make, Do and Mend & you gave them to me!

Thanks so much to those who took the time to give me feedback

So you find the venue good, you think the price is good, you like the time …..basically you all enjoy coming!

However you would like to see more tutorials ….. so from April I plan to organise monthly tutorials again

Of course we will still have our old favourites for charity….. The Big Knit…. Poppy Appeal

I’m also hoping to come up with some Make, Do and Mend ideas……  after all this why the group started!

As always you can bring your own projects if you don’t fancy joining in.

The biggest changes will be the price & booking

Our membership is now cancelled.

This is due to some of the shops closing that gave us discount & also others forgetting we get discount!

There is now just one price £3.50

If your membership card is still valid I will honour the discounted price until it expiries 

You don’t have to book online…… just turn up on the night

So without further ado….

make, do & mend man April 2013

Learn to crochet!

Exeter Phoenix

Black Box

7pm -10pm

You will need to bring:

4mm crochet hook
Double knitting yarn

(a light colour is good while learning. You can bring more than one colour if you want to make granny squares)

A mug
Instruction sheets will be provided

Please be aware this is not a one-to-one tutorial…… there will be a few ladies helping you with the instruction sheet

You can choose to start with the basic stitches or if you know the stitches we can help you make granny squares

Don’t forget to sign up for the mailing list to keep in touch

You can also find us on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter @makeexeter

Next Meeting Tuesday 5th March

make, do & mend man March 2013

It’s yarn bombing time again!

Everyone is welcome!

If you can’t knit or crochet you can help sew together.

Please wear warm clothes, bring yarn, knitting needles, crochet hook & yarn needles if you have them…… we need lots & lots of patches to sew together, knitted, crochet or fabric….. it really doesn’t matter!

This will be the last yarn bombing meeting so we must completed it….. normal service will resume in April.

Normal charges will apply


7pm – 10pm

at Exeter Phoenix

Tea & coffee is provide but please bring your own mug

Don’t forget it’s Crikey time!!

Crikey March 2013

February 2013

Happy Birthday to us!!!

make, do & mend man- February 2013jpg

We even had a birthday cake made by the lovely Clare

So what did we make?

5th Feb Collage 1 5th Feb Collage 2

And our fab bunting this year was made by Helen

After hours of sewing the squares together it became clear we did not have enough to cover the target……. so we’re going to do it all again in March!!

So come along with knitted, crocheted or even fabric squares & help us

make, do & mend man March 2013

If you can’t make the meeting but would like to help please email me


to arrange a drop off point.

Come on ladies get your needles out!

Normal charges will apply


7pm – 10pm

Tea & coffee is provide but please bring your own mug

Thanks to everyone who completed the survey……. I will be making some changes to the meetings in April….. watch this space!

You still have time to have your say


Next Meeting Tuesday 5th February

make, do & mend man- February 2013jpg

Yes the Make, Do and Mend man is in disguise again!!
This will be a secret under cover mission……
Please meet at the Phoenix at 7pm to prepare ….. we’ll be heading off for our adventure around 9pm before heading back to the Phoenix for cake to celebrate our 3rd birthday.

Everyone is welcome!

Please wear warm clothes, bring yarn, knitting needles, crochet hook & yarn needles if you have them.

Normal charges will apply


7pm – 10pm

Tea & coffee is provide but please bring your own mug