Tag: crochet

January 2013

make, do & mend man January 2013

Many thanks to everyone who came on Tuesday to help plan for our secret mission in February

Make 8th - coll 1

Lots of knitting

Make 8th Collage

Our bunting taking shape!

Make 8th POM Collage

A big thank you to Joyce for the lovely scarf that’s just perfect & to David for all the Pom Pom!

We have found our ‘thingy’ to be yarn bombed.

So we have lots & lots of knitted/crochet squares to make before Tuesday 5th February…… can you help?

It doesn’t matter what size, colour or even how neat they are, we just need lots of them.

If you would like to help but can’t make the meeting please email me for drop off details.

Please come & join us on the 5th February to spread some knitted love in Exeter

make, do & mend man February 2013

Sign up for the mailing list to keep up to date


Next Meeting Tuesday 8th January

make, do & mend man January 2013

Happy new year!!!

Our first meeting of 2013 is just 1 week away!

We’ll be planning/making for yarn bombing to celebrate our 3rd birthday in February.

Please bring the following:


Crochet hooks

Knitting needles

 Sewing needle for wool

Any trims

Your imagination!!

A mug

Please email makedo@me.com with any ideas of where we can yarn bomb this year….. I have somewhere in mind which I will share at the meeting.

If you don’t wish to join in yarn bombing just bring your own project.

Normal charge of £3.50 applies, tea, coffee & biscuits will be provided

See you all on the 8th

Next Meeting Tuesday 2nd October


We will be making poppies for The British Legion 
If you’d like to join in please bring some red/green fabric or yarn & some black buttons, a basic sewing kit, knitting needles or crochet hook. You can either knit, crochet or sew your poppies, Jenny will be showing us how.
Or you can just bring your own project!
You can either book online here or pay on the door
If you would be interested in selling poppies in a workplace or group please let me know & I will pass on your details to Jenny.
See you there!