Category: July

Next Meeting Tuesday 3rd July




On Tuesday 3rd July the ladies from Meme fabrics will be joining us!


They will be bringing a selection of kits to make


Choose from a simple corsage, collar or even a skirt!

If you have a portable sewing machine & don't mind letting others use it please bring it along. Collars & corsages can be made by hand.

Pop into Meme to let them know what kit you would like to make & they will bring it on the night….. or email & I will pass it on.

Members will recieve 10% discount on the kits!

Please bring a basic sewing kit

Needles, thread, scissors etc

 I no longer reserve places……. if you wish to attend you must book online


Normal charges apply

Members = £2.80

Non members = £3.50

If you don't book online you can turn up on the night but be warned we maybe full!!

Tea, coffee & biscuits will be provided……. don't FORGET to bring your own mug!

You can find out more about the membership here


July 2011

I hope you all enjoyed the fabric swap & patchwork
Some beautiful patchwork
Lots of other crafts happening
Love to knit?
If you would like to knit some baby hats for the famine relief then please email me
We have a tight deadline so don’t hang about!
Next month we’re making poppies
See you Tuesday 2nd August!

Categories: July

Next Meeting Wednesday 20th July

Our next meeting will be Wednesday 20th July

We won’t be having a tutorial this time but we’re holding a fabric swap! 

If you have any fabric hanging about or you’ve brought but changed your mindplease bring it along….. it can be any size. 
You might find that perfect piece needed to finish a project!

Fancy trying patchwork? This could be agood time….. just bring some paper, fabric, scissors & a basic sewing kit…I’ll bring a hexagon template.

You don’t have to join in the fabric swap just bring your own project.

I still have some spaces so email me if you haven’t already booked……

Please note the entrance fee is now £3.50….. 20% off for members.

Tea & coffee will be provided
Please bring your own mug
Don’t forget it’s now 7-10pm

Categories: July

July 2011

1 Comment
Thanks to everyone who came to our last meeting. We found fabric flowers are easier then crochet!!!
Didn’t we do well???
Once again a big thank you to the lovely Mary for showing us how.
But that’s not all 
Hope you all had a great time….. looking forward to seeing you at the next meeting.
Only 2 weeks to go….. Wednesday 20th July.……..7-10pm
The new price of £3.50 will apply….. member will receive 20% discount….. not a member? 
Email to find out more.
Tickets now on sale

Categories: July

Next Meeting Tuesday 5th July

In July we’ll be making fabric flowers with the lovely Mary
You can visit Mary’s website or pop over to Facebook to say hello.
Please bring the following if you wish to join in:
Basic sewing kit – thread, needle, scissors, pins
Tea light (and matches)
Paper/card, pencil/pen to make flower template, you can just use a circle or make a flower template
Fabric – synthetic silky fabric, does it melt when held near a flame?
Mary uses off cuts from superhero cape, in the fabric shop at Polsloe Bridge
Or you could try Sew Bazaar in North Street, we think they call it poly-satin. 
Additional bits: buttons, beads to use for embellishing the centre of flower and if you’re a completer finisher then a brooch back, blank hair clip or similar.

Bring your own project if you don’t wish to join in.
Normal charge of £3 will apply. Tea & coffee will be provided.
Bring your own mug
Booking is essential…… please note there are only 5 places left for July 5th so be quick!
You can book online here

Categories: July
