Category: January

Next Meeting Tuesday 4th January 2011

Please bring your own craft project…… not sure what to make???
What about mending clothes or sewing on buttons you never find time to do???
Need any more help feel free to email me
I will be teaching crochet granny squares, if you’d like to learn please bring yarn & a crochet hook…… number 4’s work best. Don’t forget you can normally buy these from charity shops.
Looking forward to seeing you all again in the new year…… don’t forget new year, new you…. it’s a great time to join a group!

Categories: January New Year

Merry Christmas & next meeting

Merry Christmas everyone!!
Looking forward to seeing you all again in the new year…… don’t forget new year, new you…. it’s a great time to join a group!
Our next meeting will be Tuesday 4th January….. same time, same place.
At the moment we have no tutorial booked so it’s bring your own craft…… if you would like a tutorial please leave a comment or email me & I will try to fit this in.

See you all there…… take care & stay warm!

Categories: January