November Meeting

Another meeting gone & what a great one it was.
It was lovely to see so many people returning & also some new faces – It looks like the Make, Do and Mend movement is matching on!!!
It was great to see Ruth’s finished Yo-Yo necklace from the last meeting -I must confess I haven’t finished mine!
It was all change on Tuesday with a beautiful new room – more on that in the next newsletter to follow soon
See what you missed
You all made some beautiful decorations
Did you spot yours??
Just to prove it wasn’t all about decorations here’s what else was being made
Knitting, crocheting, sewing & even cake decorations….. mmmm so tempted to eat them 🙂
Hope you all had a great evening, I know I did.
Look forward to seeing you all at the next meeting on 
Tuesday 7th December
it’s our last one before Christmas so I think we should get in the festive spirit!!!
Don’t forget to continue to spread the word
See you there!
Recommend Josie

Categories: November
